Sleazy car salesman used to be a dime a dozen. With the automotive industry increasing the pressure on salesmen, online car sales are becoming more of a commonality. There are horror stories of being ripped off by car dealerships that have been around since the dawn of the automotive industry itself.
Salesmen are naturally pressured to make a “sale” at any cost, and a lot of times this involves cutting corners. Most car dealerships are also notoriously well-known for selling “lemons” to consumers. Read on to check out some real-life stories drivers told of being ripped off by their local dealerships.
20: 300ZX Turbo

The 300ZX is perhaps one of the most iconic sports cars ever made. Nowadays, the 300ZX is fine as a used car. But Reddit user Elemental83 described a not-so-great deal. “I got a 300zx Turbo (with the pop-up headlights) for $500, then had it towed away before I took possession. At one point he was outside doing something with the wiring harness when I got home from work, so I grabbed a beer and went over to shoot the shit. He starts telling me how he has to get it running because they’re going to have to move.

“Tells me he’s gotta sell the 300zx to pay for the deposit on the new place. Of course, being a Nissan fanboy at the time, I ask how much. Before he could finish saying $500 I was sprinting inside to get the cash. We even went on double dates with him and his girlfriend. So the day after I purchased a 300zx Turbo for $500 I turn down my street after work and see crap spread all over the front yard. After sliding into the drive and inspecting the debris now littering the whole front of the duplex I realize it’s not my crap, it’s my neighbors. Then I realize his car is gone, and my 300zx is gone.”