Driving is both a privilege and past time, and to fully enjoy it sometimes you need to take a trip. We often spend so much time commuting to and from the daily grind. But if that’s all we do while driving, we miss out on the beauty of the scenic open roads of the world.
To truly experience the open roads of the world, you need to know where to find them. A car is truly the best way to see the beauty of other countries around the world. We already broke down the top 25 scenic roads to drive in the United States. So now, check out the top 25 scenic international roads. You’ll experience driving like you never have before.

25: Oberalp Pass, Switzerland
Switzerland has no shortage of amazing views, which is why driving in the beautiful country is so refreshing. The Oberalp Pass is one of the most scenic locations, and with good reason. Curvaceous roads and its beautiful mountain backdrop are breathtaking. via: Ski Epic
If you’re lucky enough to drive it in a sports car, you’ll no doubt enjoy yourself. With no speed limits for miles, you can literally open up the throttle. There are few roads like this. Many notable driving scenes have been shot on this road, and for good reason.