Our cars reflect our personality, which is why people go to such great lengths to customize their cars’ appearance and personalities. One such way drivers speak their mind on the roadways is with bumper stickers. These stickers can range from political to obscene to comical depending on who’s behind the wheel. With the rise of social media, bumper stickers have become more of a fashion statement than ever before.
Because of Amazon and the Internet, you can easily find a bumper sticker that resonates with almost any situation in your life. Bumper stickers can be controversial or modest, and some drivers pick their bumper stickers to offend specific groups of other people. We looked at 60 of the best bumper stickers on the road that venture beyond the normal realm of thought right here.
60: I’ve Got A Perfect Body

What we have here is a funny play on words. When you pulled up to this car, you’d instantly think it was someone talking about their body image. But take a closer look, and this is more like a Halloween-themed bumper sticker. There’s allegedly a body in the trunk of the car that may be getting a bit rank (via Hot Cars).
If you want to get your car noticed, this is one of the ways to do it. Other drivers couldn’t miss this bumper sticker even if they tried.