Home Cars 25 Stories Where Bad Drivers Were Served Justice By The Road

25 Stories Where Bad Drivers Were Served Justice By The Road

Cameron Eittreim March 8, 2021

Road rage and driving, in general, are two of the most stressful aspects of driving a vehicle. We’ve all been driving down the highway at rush hour and had an angry driver or two on either side of us. The problem is that these drivers aren’t looking out for anyone else, and their actions tend to cause accidents. Nevertheless, the roadways have a way of “natural” selection and justice tends to come around to bad drivers as well.

We delved into stories where bad drivers were served some serious justice. You don’t want to gloat when someone gets seriously injured, but some justice for a bad driver is often warranted.

25: Red Light Middle Finger

Photo Credit: Pexel

There are dozens of stories where someone will flip the driver off and speed away, but Reddit users had a satisfying one. “So a bit ago I was driving down the road and I needed to get into the left turn lane two lanes over – mind you, I still had around a mile, so I didn’t feel that worried about merging. I put on my blinker and waited for an opportunity. Unfortunately, a woman in an SUV decided that she didn’t want me to get in her lane. When I sped up, she stuck in my blind spot. When I slowed down, she did as well. Eventually, approaching the light, I cut her off to get into the turn lane. She proceeded to roll down her window, turn to me, start yelling what I imagine were obscenities and flip me off. She then went through the red light and, to avoid a car, turned into a poll, totaling her car.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

There is no denying that this driver got hit with some karma, was it well deserved? Well, that’s debatable. No one wants to get in a collision at any point in time, but when you go out of your way to insult another driver it might be time for some justice.

24: Red Lights Are Meant To Be Observed

Photo Credit: Pexel

It seems like the collision that happened above happens to a lot of drivers. They will fly through a red light only to hit an unfortunate demise. Red lights are meant to be observed but more so you should begin to slow way down when the light turns yellow. There is a reason that stoplights have three different colors, and a lot of drivers tend to ignore the yellow light. Nevertheless, this driver met her unfortunate demise after flying through that light and not paying attention.

Photo Credit: Pexel

Sadly, her insurance probably didn’t cover the damage because she was at fault. Many moving parts go into a car accident and when a driver is at fault it costs a whole lot more. You might want to insult another driver in a fit of rage, but it causes nothing but conflict at the end of the day.

23: Don’t Pay Attention To Tailgaters

Photo Credit: WTOP

Another aspect of the story that you’ll notice is the fact that the driver was angrily tailgating the Reddit user. This happens a lot with road rage and the key is to ignore the angry driver, either by continuing driving or just switching lanes. You will encounter angry drivers throughout your driving experience and a lot of this involves tailgating. You can’t fall into this because if you increase your speed to dangerous levels, it will only risk everyone else on the road.

Photo Credit: WTOP

This story just illustrates the bigger problem that we have with always being in a hurry. Instead of taking the time to pay attention to the traffic signals this driver simply blew through the red light in a fit of rage. Acting out any emotion in a fit of rage or passion will never end well, such as the case here.

22: Hummer Ends Up Wrecked

Photo Credit: KTUV

Speaking of tailgating and angry drivers, another Reddit user had an interesting story as well. The driver of a Hummer, which is a huge vehicle. Was tailgating for a good period the smart thing to do? Not in this case. “After about 5 seconds of being 2 feet from my bumper, he decides to change lanes and floor it in an attempt to cover the last 20 seconds of ground in the 10 seconds left. About 200 feet short of the intersection the light turns red and the moron finally decides it would be a good time to start slowing down. He slid through the red light, clipped the rear end of a tractor-trailer, and took out the traffic light at the far end of the intersection.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: KTUV

You can see that things didn’t turn out too well for the driver of this Hummer. Even for a vehicle with a massive curb weight hitting a pole or a stoplight can be detrimental. This driver definitely should have taken the time to cool off. Road Rage affects thousands of drivers each day and most traffic accidents are caused due to some sort of road rage.

21: It Could Have Been Worse

Photo Credit: KCRA

The miracle of this story is that the driver in the Hummer only managed to clip a tractor-trailer. With such a massive curb weight and the sheer rate of speed, the Hummer could have done a lot more damage. Worse yet, human life could have been lost due to such a massive vehicle flying through an intersection. Pedestrian accidents happen much more frequently than you might have thought, oftentimes at a busy intersection or even where the pedestrian is crossing the street legally.

Photo Credit: KCRA

If a driver isn’t paying attention, it puts the driver at risk and the pedestrian at risk. Speed does kill and many drivers push the envelope when it comes to an acceptable speed. Based on the statistics, the driver of this Hummer was immensely lucky that a worse catastrophe didn’t happen.

20: Know The Basics Of Pedestrian Safety

Photo Credit: KTVU

Walking is one of the most healthy things you can do, but no one wants to walk with fear of being run over. Taking steps toward pedestrian safety is the most important aspect of being a lot safer when there are careless drivers on the road. Try to be predictable where you walk and don’t go off the beaten path if there is a danger. Taking the time to examine the traffic situation also helps, such as not going for a walk during rush hour. If you are in a rural area, you want to walk in the same direction as traffic, especially if there is no sidewalk.

Photo Credit: KXTV

By taking the time to do these things you will make yourself a lot better off. Walking is a great form of exercise and a decent way to travel if you live close to your destination. Keeping a keen eye on problematic drivers is the key to surviving, and you’ll feel a whole lot better about yourself as well.

19: Smashed Aston Martin

Photo Credit: KCRA

It seems like a never-ending story about drivers who slam through a red light only to their demise. Sadly, this is an everyday occurrence in most major cities and we’ve all got a story about this at one point or another. This Reddit user illustrated an unfortunate example involving an Aston Martin. “I was pulling out of a parallel parking spot in front of red light (20 feet ahead) with cars stopped ahead and behind me. The car behind me waved me in (such a gentleman) but the BMW sports car behind him was in a hurry, so he speeds up and around the car in front – cutting me off, all the while giving me the cockiest look like “haha you’re a chump” because he managed to get one. car. length. ahead. While he is sneering, he hits the Aston Martin in front of him – hard. I was half overwhelmed, half dying of laughter. Justice like that is truly rare.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: KCRA

Drivers do this all the time to each other, often speeding ahead only to make it to a stop sign or a red light. What’s the rush? All you are doing is endangering the lives of yourself and the other drivers on the road. Nevertheless, it never ceases to amaze me how many of these drivers keep doing the same thing.

18: Exotic Car Owners Are The Worst

Photo Credit: KCRA

It should be no surprise there, as the expensive car owners always have some kind of superior attitude. Of course, when you have 500+ HP under the hood of a beautiful Ferrari, you would probably want to drive faster as well. We often wonder why these ultra-powerful cars are allowed on ordinary roads, how often are you going to drive 200 mph? Probably never, yet the elite continues to snatch these cars up one by one.

Photo Credit: KXTV

Exotic cars are a magic part of the automotive industry that collectors yearn for and enthusiasts pay for. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that an exotic car should be a ticket to act like a fool. Yet countless owners take these cars far past what they are supposed to do. In turn, causing potential crashes and injuries that mount higher insurance claims.

17: We Don’t Wish Harm

Photo Credit: KXTV

Interestingly enough no one wishes any harm on a bad driver, but their actions cause the karmic work. No one sets out to be a bad driver, but the fact that you will go to that level of rage is enough of a problem. Most bad drivers are sentenced to anger management and traffic school but it seldom does any good. Some people become reformed but the vast majority of these drivers are back out on the road before any good can come of it.

Photo Credit: KXTV

Perhaps harsher sentences would be ideal for some of these offenders. Thus, preventing the same type of behavior from happening all over again. Changing the perspective of potential violators might do a better job of cleaning up the accidents. The roadways aren’t getting any safer and these exotic car owners are a good portion of the problem.

16: School Zone Speeding

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

If there is a downright annoying and dangerous thing for most parents, it is when drivers fly through a school zone. Here we have the story of someone who went ahead and flew through a school zone only to get a fat ticket. “There is a busy road through town where I live. It’s normally two lanes but over the winter the right lane was shut and the speed limit was reduced to 15 Mph while they laid new sewer pipe. I was driving the posted speed limit when a lady in a BMW gets behind me and starts waving her arms and flashing her lights. When we got out of the roadworks she flipped me off and stepped on the gas accelerating to 45-55 mph. She was still accelerating when she passed the cop parked in front of the local elementary school. It was a school day so I think that ticket was a large one.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

This teaches us that even if you think that you are slick there’s a good chance that you’ll get a fat ticket. School zone speeding is not just inconsiderate, but it is also very dangerous. As a driver, you could fatally injure a child or worse. When it comes to driving through a school zone the slower that you go the better.

15: Tougher School Zone Traffic Laws

Photo Credit: KTVU

Part of the reason that drivers still fly through the school zones is that the rules are paltry at best. The penalties don’t do anything to discourage this type of reckless behavior and as such people just keep doing it. The 25 mph speed limit is sort of the standard-bearer when it comes to school zone safety. But, some neighborhoods have reduced that speed down to 10-15 mph to ensure safety. Sadly most drivers don’t follow the posted speed limits and the students are the ones who potentially suffer.

Photo Credit: KTVU

It’s time that drivers start to act right and stop driving erratically in school zones. There are so many stories of this happening and yet we see more and more of it every day. Changes can be made but it takes drivers and residents to work together on a solution. Without that, you are going to continue to have speeders in every neighborhood.

14: When Cyclist Safety Is Ignored

Image Scaled
Photo Credit: Pexel

Cycling is one of the best things that you can do health-wise, but not everyone feels confident riding a road bike on congested roadways. Here, one Reddit user documented a story of an angry driver as well. “I frequently go to this park to mountain bike or road bike, it has a long loop that’s only open in one direction to vehicles, the other is for pedestrians. On a nice summer evening, I am driving home when a car pulls in going the wrong way, I honk at him and point to the “one-way” sign, he flicks me off and yells something about me being a s-p-i-c… but there is a cop car right behind me, which lights him up immediately.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: Pexel

This is something that happens to cyclists all the time, where drivers of vehicles don’t honor the rules of the road. Cyclists are more at risk than motorcyclists for being injured in a collision, so naturally, it can be frustrating when you are riding your bike and an angry driver comes along.

13: When The Safeguards Don’t Work

Photo Credit: Pexel

Obviously in larger cities, there are bike lanes and other areas that are designated specifically for cyclists. But, the problem here is the fact that the majority of motorists don’t pay attention to the rules that have been set aside for cyclists. You’ll often see drivers pulling into the bike lane to no avail putting cyclists in danger and worse. Never mind the fact that cyclists are the ones who are doing it for the benefit of the environment.

Photo Credit: Pexel

We need to see some more safeguards implemented so that cyclists can have a better say on the roadways. There is no point in risking your life to ride a bike only to have an ungrateful driver flip you the bird. Cyclists are here to stay and drivers should get the idea before driving around angrily.

12: The Drunk Delivery Driver

Photo Credit: Pexel

The commercial driving business is booming right now with the influx of Amazon Prime and other providers. But, a lot of these drivers are inexperienced and tend to drive recklessly. Check out this Reddit user’s story. “When the cops showed up (the delivery truck driver called them) he tried to insist that I ran him into the truck. Thankfully, some people came to my rescue. Even the cops didn’t believe his story. After I talked to the cops, I was free to leave. As I was leaving they were giving him a field sobriety test. I am not sure what happened to him.” via Some eCards

Photo Credit: Pexel

As you can tell, the delivery driver had himself a good night, and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Not only would a delivery driver causing an accident be catastrophic, but it would also delay hundreds of packages from potentially being delivered. Needless to say, not the kind of mess you want to have.

11: Truckers Can Be Careless Too

Photo Credit: Pexel

It is not just the delivery drivers that can get a bit too carried away, as truckers can as well. Time and time again you see accidents on the highway that are being caused by truckers who are overworked and tired. To remedy this there should be a universal standard for drivers to log their trips as well as drug screenings. A lot of drivers are caught using illegal substances, not a safe thing to do.

Photo Credit: Pexel

The trucking industry is on the verge of implementing all kinds of new safety technology. These range from electric trucks to new engine technology all of this will help with the safety factor. But drivers need to get on board with these new protocols as well. No one wants to be on the receiving end of a  huge big rig barreling down the road with a driver hopped up on some kind of drug.

10: Don’t Judge The Truckers Though

Photo Credit: KTVU

Yet truckers also have to put up with idiot drivers just like the rest of us do. When you’re piloting a massive big rig, the last thing that you want is a soccer mom tailgating you. Or worse, when an angry driver in a compact car decides to brake check the Walmart freight driver. These are situations that truckers have to put up with every day as well. Not to mention the fact that driving a big rig in severe weather conditions takes an immense amount of patience and skill.

Photo Credit: KTVU

While it can be very easy for drivers in smaller vehicles to get upset with a rushing truck driver, you have to look at it from both sides of the fence. And if you think about it, the truck drivers have it pretty bad as well. So let’s take a minute to cool down and remember not to just judge the truckers as well.

9: The Out-Of-Control Jeep

Photo Credit: Jeep

Road rage happens anywhere, from urban streets at daylight to the dirt roads of the Midwest. You are never exempt from experiencing road rage at one time or another. Here we have a story about a nice night in 1965 Willys that turned bad. “She starts flipping them, and just as my dad yells from the back seat “Don’t do it!”, she flips the last one. All of the lights around the center column, (6 on top, 4 on each side), plus four high beams on the rear bumper, all light up like a thousand suns, right in front of this jerk’s eyes. He slams the breaks so hard his car immediately spins about 720 before regaining control and stopping.” – via Some eCards.

Photo Credit: KTVU

Now, as you can see, the blame was partial on both sides, and speed was a factor. Controlling your temper in these situations is the key to being a safe driver. You never want to be on the receiving end of an angry driver, likewise, you want to ensure that you get to your destination in one piece.

8: Rollover Risk

Ford Excursion
Photo Credit: Ford

The thing with Jeeps and other classic SUVs is that the risk of a rollover is much higher. While newer SUVs have all kinds of safety features built-in, the classic models that we all enjoy don’t. As such, losing your temper in a Jeep could turn out to be a catastrophic event. The high ground clearance and short wheelbase are not designed to take quick evasive maneuvers. This is why the majority of these SUVs were used for rock crawling and slower-paced activities.

Ford Excursion
Photo Credit: Ford

Nevertheless, there seems to be a small fraction of drivers who think that they can rule the road in a lifted Jeep. Thus, you have to keep your eyes peeled at all times because one mistake could end up costing you and the other driver a lot of pain and heartache.

7: Bro-Dozers Too

Photo Credit: Auto Evolution

Don’t just jump Jeep enthusiasts into that group, the guys who have those extremely high pickup trucks are at fault too. Often referred to as “bro-dozers,” these trucks often have obscenely high lift kits and off-road wheels. The problem is that the vast majority of these trucks are not safe to take high-speed turns and can tip over very easily. When you are talking about two to three tons coming down on you, the worst could happen.

Photo Credit: Rk Motors

As with anything in life when you take it too far, it won’t be safe and that is the case with these trucks. The high ground clearance is much higher than what is generally regarded as safe, and thus it can cause a lot of headaches for everyone involved.

6: Littering on The Freeway

Photo Credit: KTVU

Perhaps one of the worst problems that motorist encounter is littering. We’ve all been driving down the freeway and seen boxes of garbage tossed to the side. Here is one story a motorcyclist encountered. “I was riding my motorcycle down the freeway when some asshole threw half a Mcdonald’s milkshake out of the window, still in its cup. Through some random fluke of physical dexterity, I caught it (it would have hit me in the chest, near enough.) I caught up to the guy in traffic a minute later. His sunroof was open, so I returned the cup.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: KTVU

As you can see, this motorcyclist was pretty upset. But, the inherent risk of throwing garbage out on the freeway is there as well. Whether you puncture a tire on trash or lose control of a vehicle, nothing good comes from illegal dumping.

5: Road Crews Try Their Best

Photo Credit: KTVU

With the sheer volume of drivers that are on the road, it can seem almost impossible for a road crew to keep up with the influx of trash. Likewise, drivers need to do their part to try and throw less trash onto the roadway. Nevertheless, there will always be some portion of trash on the roads. Especially in big cities where staffing is limited and there are influences of traffic. If you see someone illegally dumping on the side of the road, don’t confront them.

Photo Credit: KTVU

Instead, call the public works department or the highway patrol. The person will be ticketed and fined heavily, which might eventually start to slow down the spread of garbage. Driving should be a pleasurable experience and not something that you have to dread.

4: Another School Zone Speeder

Photo Credit: Pexel

It just doesn’t stop with these school zone speeders, and this particular story focuses on a younger person. “Some snotty high school girl was behind me in a car once, beeping and flashing her lights, apparently complaining that I was going too slow. As soon as the road widened to two lanes, she gunned it and went around me, flipping me off as she went past because I drove the speed limit just to vex her. About thirty seconds later I saw her car pulled over by a cop IN AN ACTIVE SCHOOL ZONE. She was out of the car being handcuffed. (they only arrest if you’ve been doing an excessively high rate of speed, but in a school zone it doesn’t take much) She saw me as I went by going 20 mph…” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: KTVU

We need to ensure that we are teaching the next generation how to drive safely. The thrill of driving can be something that you dream of experiencing. But, it is important to reinforce that driving is a privilege and not something to be taken lightly.

3: Teens Should Take Drivers Ed

Photo Credit: Pexel

Even if you are planning on teaching your teenager how to drive yourself, a driver’s ed course never hurts. They will learn the fundamentals of the road from a licensed instructor, in a way that you might not be able to teach. Early drivers need to have as much know-how as they can before they hit the road. By having adequate training the drivers will be less likely to be involved in a collision that could seriously injure someone.

Photo Credit: Pexel

Likewise, even adults can take new training from time to time, whether it be updated road rules or speed limits. The more knowledge you have the better of a driver you will be, and this only benefits everyone on the road.

2: Speeder Crashes Into Reality

Photo Credit: ABC 7

The old adage “What’s the rush?” comes into play with this story. “I’m driving down the main road in my town at about 2 AM. I take the route every day so I know there are cops ahead, so I’m driving about 5 below the limit. Some ****** decides to blow by me, crossing into oncoming traffic, and almost hits an oncoming car. He swerved back as quickly as possible nearly clipping my front bumper. I look in my rearview and see lights go on, idiot almost hit a cop. He never decides to slow down at all, speeds up and bam, out of a parking lot a cop pulls out in front of him and he t-bones the cruiser. Karma at its finest.” – via Some eCards

Photo Credit: KTVU

As you can see here the driver was in a rush to get to somewhere that he thought was of grave importance. Only to realize that he is now going to be spending an extended jail sentence behind bars. Risking someone else’s life so that you can make it to your destination faster is never a satisfactory option.

1: Cops Deal With The Worst

Photo Credit: Pexel

Police officers have to deal with the most irate drivers that you can imagine. Whether it be a high-speed pursuit or worse, so naturally this story was not a surprise. But still, when a driver comes out of nowhere and t-bones your cruiser it is not going to be a good day. This guy was pushing his luck and it’s a wonder that he even walked away from the crash. It’s situations like this that put other drivers on the road at more risk.

Photo Credit: Edmunds

The best thing that you can do with a disgruntled speeder is to ignore them and get out of the way. Eventually, karma is going to hit and you won’t be the one who is on the receiving end of things when the worst happens.

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