Road rage and driving, in general, are two of the most stressful aspects of driving a vehicle. We’ve all been driving down the highway at rush hour and had an angry driver or two on either side of us. The problem is that these drivers aren’t looking out for anyone else, and their actions tend to cause accidents. Nevertheless, the roadways have a way of “natural” selection and justice tends to come around to bad drivers as well.
We delved into stories where bad drivers were served some serious justice. You don’t want to gloat when someone gets seriously injured, but some justice for a bad driver is often warranted.
25: Red Light Middle Finger

There are dozens of stories where someone will flip the driver off and speed away, but Reddit users had a satisfying one. “So a bit ago I was driving down the road and I needed to get into the left turn lane two lanes over – mind you, I still had around a mile, so I didn’t feel that worried about merging. I put on my blinker and waited for an opportunity. Unfortunately, a woman in an SUV decided that she didn’t want me to get in her lane. When I sped up, she stuck in my blind spot. When I slowed down, she did as well. Eventually, approaching the light, I cut her off to get into the turn lane. She proceeded to roll down her window, turn to me, start yelling what I imagine were obscenities and flip me off. She then went through the red light and, to avoid a car, turned into a poll, totaling her car.” – via Some eCards

There is no denying that this driver got hit with some karma, was it well deserved? Well, that’s debatable. No one wants to get in a collision at any point in time, but when you go out of your way to insult another driver it might be time for some justice.