Ugliness, just as beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder, and that is a well-known fact. What is beautiful to one beholder may be repulsive to another. However, in the world of car design, some cars are generally considered beautiful while others are considered aesthetic disasters.
So much so, in fact, that it makes you wonder what the car designers were thinking when they drew that shape. Also, who on Earth managed to approve it for production? Below is a list of the 45 strangest cars they ever produced. Some of them are so ugly you’ll be happy they never offered them on the U.S. market.

45. Bill Thomas Cheetah
The global success of the Shelby Cobra inspired many American race car builders to build a similar car to compete on an international level. From this perspective, nobody came close to beating the Cobra. However, Bill Thomas, a famous Chevrolet tuner and racecar builder, was a serious candidate. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, the Cheetah never got a proper chance. As you may know, Chevrolet and GM pulled out of racing in 1963. But several independent race shops worked for GM’s backdoor programs where they supported private racing teams with racing know-how or special racing parts. Thomas’s shop was one of those outfits.

He decided to build a Cobra competitor with Chevrolet power, and that’s how the Cheetah was born. Thomas built it on a special lightweight chassis, adding a small-block V8 as far back in the car as possible. Covered in a light fiberglass body, the Cheetah looked and performed like a race car. Despite some overheating problems, the Cheetah was a remarkable performer. It even won some lower rank races as well as the 1968 SCCA championship. Unfortunately, a lack of support, mechanical problems, and a fire at the shop in California stopped production after they built just 20 cars.