These are the best kind of parking tickets…
Badly parked cars can really get people’s backs up. Usually, the person with the badly parked car is not around for an ear bashing, so the pen and paper are the next best option.
Parking in handicapped zones, or spaces reserved for veterans etc. Infuriates folks, but these aren’t the only parking blunders. As you’ll see from today’s list, all manner of stupidity can affect the human brain while parking a car.

Like a Glove
Some of the notes included on this list are very original. Others, albeit just simply handwritten, are equally as effective and furious. If only someone could be present to record the reaction of the drivers when they find the notes.
Although the people writing the parking notes are clearly furious, they often make for some golden reading. The recipients in all the cases, as far as we know, were clearly quite deserving of the notes.
Check out the top 12 furious notes left on badly parked cars!

Very Specific…
Someone clearly caught this person on a very bad day. The story behind such an obviously angry note is not available. What’s clear is that whoever wrote this angry note is not a happy camper.
Extra points are awarded for the lovely font selection, clearly, this man or woman is a windows XP whizz, and also for the haiku appearance of the note in general.
Worst Case Scenario
OK, so not a note in the traditional sense, but very much worth discussion. Here’s what happens when someone with enough money to own the parking lot takes up four, yes FOUR spaces.
Needless to say, this driver would have been a little pissed when they got back. Had they just taken the time to only take up one parking space, maybe two at most, they could have avoided the jizz stained nightmare that is now their Mercedes.

Speaks for itself really. Someone who wasn’t disabled parked in a disabled spot. Not only did the driver get an angry note, but a key scratch for good measure. Unfortunately, this tale might just have a sinister twist.
Had the Volkswagen driver simply forgotten their blue disabled parking badge? If so, this means motherf*cker just keyed up a disabled person’s car.