Home Top Stories Unique Photos That Show How Unpredictable Genetics Can Be
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Unique Photos That Show How Unpredictable Genetics Can Be

MJ Staff - JA December 4, 2022

Genetics have all the power when it comes to the development of a person physically. No matter what one does cosmetically speaking, they will only be able to make superficial changes to their appearance. Some people are born with a very unique set of genes that causes them to stand out from everyone else around them. Whether you see your differences as a blessing or a curse, you’re sure to appreciate this list of stunning genetic rarities that show you how surprising your genes can be.

As you can see in this picture, this mother passed down a genetic condition to her young child. What you are witnessing here is Poliosis circumscripta. A unique genetic condition, Poliosis circumscripta causes a prominent white streak in the hair. With this condition, they are both sporting dark hair with a bright white streak in the middle.

Poliosis Runs in the Family


When you see this image, it’s hard not to think of Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmatians. With that said, it is a shame that this hair was pinned on a villain; it is both unique and beautiful!

As it has been said, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Now imagine being told by a doctor that you have the “weirdest eyes he has ever seen”. This was exactly the case for this woman who has this remarkable sunflower, web-like eyes. Not only are her eyes a very unique color (it’s not every day that you see yellow-tinted eyes), but they are also a very unique design.

The Sunflower Eye


Just when you thought there were only a few eye colors, like brown, blue, and green, you are presented with this. This just goes to show that there is no limit to the uniqueness of people in the world.

Heterochromia and Vitiligo Create a Unique Look

Meeting this man would undoubtedly cause you to “double-take” what you are witnessing. He was born with two rare conditions, vitiligo and heterochromia. Vitiligo is a condition where white patches develop in various areas of the skin due to a lack of the skin’s pigment known as melanin. Heterochromia is a condition that manifests itself in two different colored eyes. This man has a combination of white patches on his skin, and brown and blue eyes. He truly has one of the most unique looks in the world.

Vitiligo And Heterochromia Together


If you met him once, you most likely won’t be forgetting this face anytime soon. He is very easily recognizable. He is proof that, each and every person is unique.

He Met His Bifid Thumb Twin

This man could not have been more shocked to get a delivery from Uber and find that, as the delivery man handed over the bag, they had the same, incredibly rare condition, pre-axial polydactyly. This is the fancy scientific name for Bifid Thumb. There is only a one in 1000 chance that someone will be born with a Bifid Thumb. The likelihood of this is so rare that it must have been a pretty exciting moment.

He Met His Bifid Thumb Twin


It goes without saying that these two probably had many a story to share about the challenges they have faced in life with this condition, and just how they have overcome those challenges.

The Subtleness of Heterochromia

Similar to how people adore huskies with heterochromia, it’s hard not to appreciate and admire someone with this trait. Even though heterochromia is not unique to her, this rare condition continues to surprise and leave us awestruck. The woman’s eye color is already uncommon, but the fact that her eyes are two different shades of the same color makes her a fascinating genetic phenomenon. Each of her eyes appears almost surreal due to their distinctive coloring.


Her left eye is a striking reddish-brown, while her right eye is a captivating greenish-yellow. When viewed together, the combination is breathtaking.

The Big Eyes of Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome

This girl’s parents share that strangers often praise their daughter’s striking feature in public, leaving them unsure of how to respond. They wonder whether they should explain that her eyes are a result of a medical condition or simply appreciate the compliments their daughter receives. Large eyes are commonly associated with beauty, and this young girl possesses exceptionally large eyes due to Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome.

The Big Eyes of Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome


This condition is extremely rare and all her parents want is for their daughter to grow up knowing how beautiful she is, despite her defect.

Vitiligo Across the Face

Vitiligo is more prevalent than one might assume. This condition causes white patches to appear on the skin due to a deficit of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration. This gentleman’s face exhibits areas without melanin, resulting in a distinct patchwork appearance. Additionally, vitiligo can impact hair color, as demonstrated by the white patches in his beard.

Vitiligo Across the Face


While this condition may alarm people in the beginning, it is important to know that, just because the person has a unique appearance, does reflect negatively on them. They are still a human being like me and you!

Children Aging Before Their Time with Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome

Premature aging is a top fear for some individuals, leading them to take drastic measures, such as surgery, to slow down the aging process. Ironically, there exists a condition called Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome or Neonatal Progeria that causes babies to rapidly age at an early stage. Within just two years of their birth, they may exhibit elderly-like features due to their accelerated aging.

Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome - Rapidly Aging Children


Tragically, their physical aging outpaces their cognitive development, leaving them to cope with ailments like arthritis and dementia at a tender age, and often leading to premature death.

Vitiligo in Map Form

Vitiligo is a relatively common skin condition, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the global population. While some may feel self-conscious about the depigmentation or discoloration of their skin, others have chosen to embrace and celebrate it. One individual, for instance, boldly outlined their vitiligo marks to create a striking, giraffe-like pattern on their hands.

A Map Around the Vitiligo Spots


This approach to coping with the condition reflects a positive attitude – rather than concealing it, one can showcase it as a unique aspect of their identity and take pride in who they are.

Sectoral Heterochromia – The Two-Toned Eye

While there have been numerous instances of striking heterochromia, it’s worth noting that partial heterochromia is also possible. Rather than exhibiting two distinct eye colors, partial heterochromia manifests as two different colors within the same eye. The result can be truly breathtaking, as exemplified in the photo, with a vibrant blue and green melding together.

A Picture of Sectoral Heterochromia


Typically, the two colors are evenly distributed across the eye or divided down the middle. The contrast between the hues is sharp and impossible to ignore.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the Inability to Produce Collagen

In today’s beauty industry, “collagen” is a buzzword that’s often touted as a way to enhance skin appearance and reduce wrinkles. Many individuals seeking a youthful look are turning to collagen supplements for help. However, for those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder that impairs collagen production, premature wrinkling and loss of skin elasticity can be a common struggle.

Unable to Produce Collagen With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


This sheds light on the significance of collagen in maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin, and perhaps validates the widespread interest in collagen supplements.

A Most Unique Birthmark

Birthmarks can appear in all shapes and sizes, some hidden away in less visible parts of the body, while others are prominently displayed on one’s face. While most people are familiar with small beauty marks that are often celebrated, the birthmark on this young boy’s face is truly remarkable. It stretches across his entire face and runs directly over one eye, creating a striking and distinct look that is undoubtedly one-of-a-kind.

The Most Unique Birthmark


This unique birthmark is a testament to the diversity of human appearance, and the boy is sure to grow up with a sense of pride in his distinctive and cool appearance.

Naturally Pointed Ears

If you’ve ever dressed up as an elf for Halloween, you may have had to purchase pointy ears to complete the look. However, for individuals born with Williams Syndrome, pointy ears come naturally. This rare genetic disorder primarily affects the ears, but can also impact other facial features, such as the jaw, nose, lips, and cheeks.

Naturally Pointed Ears


While it may be exciting to never have to purchase pointy ears for a Halloween costume, it can also be challenging to deal with the confusion and stares from others who may not understand the condition.

The Birthmark That Provides Natural Hair Highlights

Each person is born with their own set of unique traits that make them who they are. In this case, a baby was born with a remarkable birthmark that not only adds a unique touch to her appearance but also gives her a natural stripe of highlights in her hair. Although it may appear as if she dyed a portion of her hair, it is all completely natural. Many people spend a great deal of money and time at hair salons attempting to achieve a similar look, but this baby effortlessly pulls it off.

The Birthmark That Gave Hair Highlights


With time, hopefully, she will come to appreciate just how special and exceptional her appearance truly is.

Born With Anonychia – No Fingernails

While fingernails are commonly thought to be an inherent part of the human body, that is not always the case. Individuals with Anonychia are born without fingernails and cannot develop them. If you are curious about the purpose of fingernails and whether or not we could function without them, the answer is technically yes!

Born With Anonychia and No Fingernails


While fingernails may not be essential for survival, toenails may serve a more critical purpose. Without toenails, it would be quite painful to stub one’s toe.

Yellow Fingertips from Raynaud’s Disease

It is commonly believed that keeping your hands and feet warm is crucial to surviving in cold temperatures. However, individuals with Raynaud’s Disease are particularly susceptible to the cold, as it causes their extremities (hands, feet, limbs) to become hypersensitive and lose their natural color, turning yellow or blue.

Yellow Fingertips From Raynaud's Disease


Although this may seem alarming and permanent, the good news is that once the fingers are warmed up, their natural color is restored and they function as usual.

You have seen the many ways that vitiligo can affect a person and their skin. Although it normally appears as patches of skin that are lighter in color and lacking melanin, it can also apply to a person’s hair. This man was born with vitiligo and, as a result, almost half of his facial hair is white. That includes his eyebrows and eyelashes, giving him a very unique and interesting look.

White Eyelashes With Vitiligo


It almost looks like his eyelashes are laced with snow. It seems like a cool makeup effect for Halloween, only for him, it is natural.

Waardenburg Syndrome and Wide-Set Eyes

So far, we have seen many unique eye-related genetic conditions, such as heterochromia and oversized eyes. Another rare condition is Waardenburg Syndrome, which can cause a person to be born with very wide-set eyes. Stef Sanjati is a great example of this syndrome, and her unique look only adds to her beauty.

Waardenburg Syndrome and Wide Set Eyes


Additionally, this condition can also result in extremely bright blue eyes, which Stef also has. It’s hard to miss her stunning eyes!

Double Split Colored Eyes

This man possesses an incredibly striking and distinctive eye condition. Unlike the typical heterochromia, where each eye has a different color, he was born with two colors split right down the middle in each of his eyes. One half is green, and the other half is blue. The vividness of these colors makes his entire appearance even more arresting, and he almost seems like a character out of a book.

Double Split Colored Eyes


But even without this unusual feature, all of his other features are equally stunning.

Achondroplasia and the Twins

These twin girls not only look adorable in their matching outfits but also have a unique genetic condition called Achondroplasia. This disorder causes a larger head and shorter arms and legs, as well as a shorter stature, a flattened nasal bridge, and a prominent nose. While it may not be immediately noticeable, their physical differences may become more apparent as they age.

Twin Girls With Achondroplasia


Nonetheless, these girls are as cute as can be, whether with or without their genetic condition.

Dermatographia and Scratch Scars

At first glance, this may seem like a tattoo or a brand on someone’s arm, but don’t be fooled. It is actually an example of a rare condition called Dermatographia. Individuals with Dermatographia have highly sensitive skin that reacts to the smallest scratches, resulting in raised, red lines that can persist for a long time and can be challenging to erase.

Dermatographia and Scratch Scars


Although it may seem like a cool party trick, living with this condition can be frustrating due to the constant and sometimes severe reactions to minor injuries.

Abnormally Long Arms

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have arms that are unusually long? While most people’s arm span is about the same as their height, there are individuals who are born with arms that are disproportionately longer than the rest of their body. While this may come in handy for hugging and reaching high places, it can also be a source of frustration.

Extremely Long Arms


Finding clothes that fit properly can be a challenge, as you may need to buy a larger size just to accommodate the length of your arms. Long pants are easy to find, but long-sleeved sweaters may be a different story.

Brown Patches on the Skin from Congenital Melanocytic Nevus

This list has already covered Vitiligo extensively, but Congenital Melanocytic Nevus is quite the opposite in terms of appearance. This genetic condition causes patches of dark brown or black skin to appear in various parts of the body. While it is typically benign, there is a risk of skin cancer, and as a preventative measure, surgery may be required. Nonetheless, this condition often produces a stunning and distinctive look for the individual who has it.

Brown Patches on the Skin From Congenital Melanocytic Nevus


It is almost as though she is constantly sporting a long, black evening glove. The black nevus that she was born with gives her a permanent sense of elegance.

Waardenburg Syndrome and Bright Eyes

It’s rare to find anyone who can glance at the image of these two individuals without being taken aback by their atypical appearance. The amalgamation of their electric blue eyes and dark skin is an uncommon sight. This striking look is a result of a rare medical condition called Waardenburg Syndrome, which alters the pigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes.

Bright Eyes With Waardenburg Syndrome


Such a combination is truly unique and their eyes appear to emit a luminous glow.

Hair That Grows Everywhere – Hypertrichosis

Generally, body hair is not a desirable trait among people. As a solution, several methods have been devised such as waxing, shaving, and laser hair removal to eliminate it. Hypertrichosis is a genetic mutation that results in an abnormal increase of hair growth on the body, including the face. Unlike others who have different hair thickness, people with this mutation experience an excessive amount of hair growth, which can be a challenge to manage.

Hypertrichosis and Hair That Grows Everywhere


While some men may feel annoyed with the need to shave their beards daily, imagine the effort required to maintain a smooth and hairless face every day for those with hypertrichosis.

Two Sets of DNA

Genetics is typically a straightforward concept, but there are exceptions, as with everything in life. Have you heard of Chimeras? They are organisms that possess two distinct sets of DNA. Although this term is frequently associated with animals, it can also be applicable to humans in rare cases. This woman is an example of human chimerism, exhibiting two different skin pigments and two distinct red blood cell lineages.

Two Sets of DNA


At first glance, it may be difficult to detect the difference, but upon closer inspection, it appears as if she has acquired a captivating tan while sunbathing.

The Sixth Mini Toe

Typically, humans are born with ten toes, five on each foot. However, there are individuals in the world who were born with a variation. As demonstrated in this picture, this person has a sixth (or eleventh) toe. Nevertheless, this is not the typical type of extra toe that comes to mind. Rather, it is a miniature toe located on top of another toe, complete with its own toenail. One might wonder if this person needs to trim the nail of this additional toe.

The Sixth Mini Toe


Does it grow excessively long? And, are there nail clippers that are small enough to assist in this task?

Cowlicks in Different Directions

Are you familiar with the concept of a double crown? Despite the term “crown” typically evoking images of royalty, in this case, it refers to a hair feature. A double crown refers to the presence of two cowlicks on the crown of the head, each going in a different direction.

Cowlicks in Different Directions


While most individuals have only one cowlick that always turns in the same direction, some are born with two, as is evident in this instance.

Pear Shaped Pupil

Who doesn’t appreciate someone with unique eyes? So far you have seen eyes that are different colors, different shapes, and different distances apart, but have you ever heard of someone who has a differently shaped eye pupil? There is a condition known as Coloboma which causes irregularities in the pupil, making it different shapes or colors.

Pear Shaped Pupil


This woman has a pear-shaped pupil in one if her eyes, giving her a very unique look.

Two Eyes with Heterochromia

Who doesn’t admire individuals with distinct and captivating eyes? While you may have encountered eyes that differ in color, shape, or distance apart, have you ever encountered someone with a pupil that has a unique shape? Coloboma is a condition that leads to irregularities in the pupil, causing it to appear in diverse shapes or colors. As depicted in this picture, this woman has a pear-shaped pupil in one of her eyes, which contributes to her distinctive appearance.

Heterochromia in Both Eyes


This occurrence is already incredibly unusual, but it’s even more fascinating since it’s only present in one eye. It’s likely that she receives many inquiries from curious individuals about her intriguing feature.

The Hair That’s Always at Attention

The concept of hair that always stands up may seem like the title of a children’s book, but it’s actually a real-life condition. Shilah Madison, a girl with this unique condition, has hair that constantly stands up due to a condition called “uncombable hair syndrome.” Unfortunately, this condition can be quite painful, as the hair frequently breaks off at the roots. It would be intriguing to learn whether there are any remedies available to manage her hair’s upright position.

The Hair That Stands up


Can heat or curlers help in any way? Some people aspire to achieve greater hair volume, but this girl already has it constantly.

The Ear with a Little Something Extra

Some individuals might be bothered by having a small piece of extra skin on their ear since birth, and they might consider removing it with surgery. However, this man chose to embrace and enhance his unique feature. He fashioned a little earring for his “extra ear,” creating a distinct and eye-catching appearance that no one else can replicate.

Extra Piece of Skin on the Ear


It is admirable that he found beauty in his individuality and decided to showcase it with pride.

Here’s an interesting one that can easily go unnoticed at first glance. This person had a full tooth that had embedded and grown into their chin. It was probably discovered by the dentist during a routine x-ray or when the person experienced some discomfort. It’s almost like having a spare tire in the trunk of a car.

Extra Tooth in the Chin


Having an extra tooth could come in handy if you ever need it one day.

No Nose with Bam Syndrome

It may seem impossible to be born without a nose, but it is actually a rare occurrence caused by Bam syndrome, a genetic disorder. This condition can result in a small nose or the absence of a nose altogether. Individuals with Bam syndrome may also experience vision problems, eye pain, and empty tear ducts.

No Nose With Bam Syndrome


While there are surgical options available to improve the appearance, the additional nose does not function as a normal nose and is purely cosmetic.

Having functional and normal hands is crucial for leading a normal life, but not everyone is born with the typical hand structure. This individual was born with a hand that resembles a crab claw rather than a human hand, which would make completing everyday tasks quite challenging. Despite having a thumb, the absence of separate fingers on the rest of the hand would undoubtedly present significant limitations in daily life.

Born With a Crab Like Hand


In addition to the physical appearance, the functional challenges associated with this condition would likely have a profound impact on the individual’s quality of life.

Iris of the Eye with a Persistent Pupillary Membrane

Are you curious about another fascinating eye condition? The persistent pupillary membrane (PPM) can give the iris a variety of interesting shapes, like the one shown here. This occurs when certain parts of the iris disappear during pupil formation. Fortunately, PPM does not affect vision since the brain is capable of filtering and correcting visual information.

Persistent Pupillary Membrane With the Iris of the Eye


Some individuals have PPM in both eyes while others have it in just one. It is often surprising to learn that this condition does not impact eyesight.

Every individual has something unique about them since birth, and for some, it is Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. This condition causes intensely pigmented spots on the skin that range from brown to tan, pink, or even black. The spots resemble moles and can also have dark, coarse hair growth. This particular baby was born with Congenital Melanocytic Nevus, which is evident through multiple spots all over her skin.

Congenital Melanocytic Nevus - Pigmentation Spots on the Skin


Interestingly, the spots only enhance her cuteness, giving her an appearance of a fairytale baby.

As mentioned earlier, some individuals are born with an extra digit, but not necessarily in the traditional sense. This particular individual was born with a sixth finger, but it has integrated seamlessly into her hand, making it almost unnoticeable at first glance. This unique feature could prove to be quite advantageous in life, especially when it comes to playing instruments such as the piano.

Born With a Sixth Finger


It might be a good idea to introduce her to the piano at a young age.

A Single, Pointed Elf Ear

Despite the commonly used term “identical twins,” no two individuals are truly identical. This is evident in the case of these twins. Although they were born identical, one of them has a unique feature on one of her ears: a pointed, elf-like ear. This characteristic is only present in one of the twins, making it easy for their family to distinguish between them.

One Pointed Elf Ear on One Baby


It would be quite amusing to imagine the twins attempting to switch places, only to be revealed by the one pointy ear that sets them apart.

She Has an Extra Tear Duct in Her Ear

This tiny hole in her ear may not be easily noticeable, but it has a surprising capability. Unlike a regular ear piercing, this hole is unique in that it secretes tears when the person cries. It’s almost as if it serves as an additional tear duct. It’s unclear whether the liquid that comes out of the ear is actual tears or a different fluid that’s released due to the tearing process in the eyes.

The Extra Tear Duct in Her Ear


It would be interesting to investigate the physiology behind this unusual ear feature.

The Model with The Darkest Skin

The variety of skin tones present on our planet is extensive. From light to dark and everything in between, every shade holds its own beauty. Nyakim Gatwech, a South Sudanese model, is recognized as having the darkest skin of any model in the world, and quite possibly the darkest skin of anyone, anywhere. At only 29 years old, she has earned the title of Queen of The Dark due to her high levels of melanin which result in her stunningly dark complexion.

The Model With The Darkest Skin


She grew up in Ethiopia and later moved to the US as a teenager. Her unique and striking appearance has brought her to the forefront of the modeling industry.

A Different Kind of Face

The occurrence of cleft palates and cleft lips is more prevalent than many of us realize, affecting approximately one to two in every thousand newborns. This is a completely natural condition and has been observed in various celebrities, such as Joaquin Phoenix and Jesse Jackson. Fortunately, advanced medical techniques are now available to repair the more severe impacts of this condition, making it less of a concern than it once was.

A Different Kind Of Face

Adilev Design

It’s worth noting that cleft lip is more commonly found in men than women, while cleft palate (without a cleft lip) is more frequent in women. Regardless, as we can observe, it can create a distinctive appearance in anyone.

In some families, there is a noticeable resemblance between parents and children due to strong genetic traits. Certain features, such as a mother’s eyes, a father’s ears, or a grandmother’s chin, can be easily identified. The nose is often one of these defining features, and some individuals may feel self-conscious about its size or shape. However, beauty is not determined by nose shape or size, as it is an inherent part of one’s unique face.

She Knows About Her Nose

Kyrsta Morehouse

Interestingly, recent studies suggest that the size and shape of the nose may not be entirely determined by genetics, but could have evolved as an adaptation to local climate conditions.

Finding a suitable place to get your hair done can be quite a challenging task. Not only do you have to decide on a suitable style, but you also have to choose the right shampoo and styling products. Hair is an integral part of our lives, and its texture and thickness are primarily determined by our genetic makeup.

Hair Raising Genetics

Yves Picq

There are also various cultural perceptions of hair beauty, and different populations around the world have distinct approaches to styling hair. Some societies even opt to cover their hair entirely or use natural elements like clay and mud to style it.

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