Home Top Stories 50 Hilarious Shoppers Who Made It To The Walmart Hall Of Fame
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50 Hilarious Shoppers Who Made It To The Walmart Hall Of Fame

MJ Staff - JA December 4, 2022

It might be an understatement to say that Walmart is one of the most interesting places on Earth. From its humble beginnings, Walmart has consistently held its position as a leading general store, renowned for offering an extensive range of products at remarkably affordable prices. Throughout the years, Walmart has also earned a reputation for attracting a colorful cast of characters, some of whom could easily qualify for a spot in the franchise’s Hall of Fame. Here’s a collection of the strangest, wackiest, and most perplexing people caught shopping at Walmart.

Now here’s a display of sheer logic. This individual must have pondered, “Why settle for a single hat when I can effortlessly sport four of them atop my head?” So that’s exactly what he did.

​Why Should He Wear One Hat If He Can Wear Four?


From that day on, he became known as Punk Santa, and it’s safe to say that his looks brought a lot of holiday cheer to everyone who was around him.

There are funny things, and then there are just unacceptable things that happen at Walmart. What the woman in this picture is doing is certainly the latter, as her attitude is simply disgusting.

Walmart Shopper Gargles Mouthwash, Spits It Back Into Bottle, Puts Bottle Back On Shelf


In 2019, she was presented with a daunting challenge by her friends, who dared her to gargle mouthwash at Walmart and then regurgitate it back into the bottle – how revolting!

These are easily the tallest pair of heels that we’ve ever seen. Even more astonishing than the high heels themselves is the decision of this individual to wear them specifically to Walmart, out of all the places they could have opted for!

These Were The Tallest Heels They Had


Walmart can already be a hard place to walk around in with regular shoes, now imagine with that pair of super tall heels?

If we had the opportunity to accompany our parents on a grocery shopping trip once or twice during our childhood, we might recall those cherished moments with a sense of nostalgia. We actually used to fit in the cart, and for those who were lucky enough, the parents were cool enough to let us ride them.

The Child Might Be Stuck


However, it seems that this particular mom failed to notice that the items in her cart were slowly engulfing her child, causing them to gradually disappear from view.

The audacity displayed by certain individuals can truly be mind-boggling. Take this woman, for instance, who had the nerve to demand a half-price payment. It’s simply beyond comprehension. She literally walked into a Walmart store, cut a sealed cake, ate half of it, and then thought she had the right to demand to pay only for half of it.

Texas Woman Banned From Walmart After Eating Half A Cake, Demanding To Pay Half Price


Naturally, the management swiftly shut down her request and firmly insisted that she pay for the entire amount. The audacity she displayed is truly astonishing!

It can be quite perplexing to comprehend what goes through people’s minds when they choose to bring certain types of animals to places like Walmart, or anywhere else for that matter. But a goat in a goat carrier is probably really high up there on the list of strange things that people do.

​A Woman With A Goat Carrier


At first glance, it appears that her shopping excursion is proceeding as ordinarily as possible. She’s armed with her shopping list, cash in hand, and, of course, her companion—an unexpected baby goat.

While some might see a random man wearing a piece of a silly cloak, we see a hardworking wizard who also wants to access some affordable prices. Truly, the remarkable courage displayed by this individual as they confidently don their wizard’s cloak is undeniably one of the coolest things, we’ve witnessed in quite some time.

Wizards Also Need To Go Shopping


May they have found everything they required during their shopping endeavor.

These comical individuals evidently found amusement in playfully wandering around the store while wearing horse and cow heads. Funny enough, they both headed to the meat section and began making a huge scene as they cried for their loved ones who were now being sold as mere pieces of meat.

Just The Normal Things You See At Walmart


While the situation undeniably carries a humorous tone, it also feels a bit tragic.

Once again, a whimsical wizard made his grand appearance for his monthly shopping expedition at Walmart, leaving everyone around him utterly astounded (except for a lively group of children in the background).

A Wizard Is Always On Time With His Shopping


That’s the thing about Walmart, some people may have seen so many strange things already that even the sight of Gandalf shopping may not shock them anymore.

There is a saying that we might have heard out there, or we might have totally made up, but “you can either own the ankle monitor, or you can let the ankle monitor own you”.

Owning The Ankle Monitor


Without a doubt, this woman completely owned her monitor by adorning it with charming sparkling decorations, transforming it into a captivating piece that outshines any ordinary counterpart.

This guy clearly exuded an air of indifference towards others’ opinions as they confidently donned their unconventional outfit. Perhaps he was just caught on laundry day and truly had to do some shopping, so he went out wearing that strange outfit anyway.

When It's Laundry Day But You Need To Go Shopping Anyway


The photo undeniably captures the self-assured nature of this individual. It seems liberating to reach a point where one no longer concerns themselves with the judgments and opinions of others.

The true inquiry at hand upon observing this image is whether Walmart carries the specific trousers required by this Satyr. We’d think that there’s some sort of Walmart that specifically caters for Satyrs, but we might be wrong about that.

​A Satyr Spotted At Walmart


This individual has served as a reminder that Walmart caters to a diverse range of customers, which is commendable on their part!

In certain instances, life can become excessively burdensome, leaving one yearning for nothing more than a peaceful slumber. Apparently, this is exactly what happened to this guy.

When You Just Need To Take A Nap


Given that the majority, if not all, Walmart stores operate 24/7, they can serve as ideal havens for indulging in a nap, even if it entails reclining on the floor, as demonstrated by this individual.

Now, this is quite the outfit to wear to go for a quick stroll at Walmart. Amidst the various plausible explanations for this individual’s outfit, two rationales stand out as the most logical choices:

Halloween Came Early This Year


Either it’s Halloween and they’re still in the holiday spirit, or they bought the outfit there and are now looking for a refund. Who knows, really?

Listen up, when it’s nap time, there are individuals who possess an unstoppable ability to immediately doze off. And for this little guy, when nap time was there, he had to find a way to make it even if that meant being a little bit uncomfortable.

Just A Regular Day At Walmart


As expected, for those in the vicinity, witnessing such scenes at Walmart was just another typical day.

Once again, we encountered individuals who were all too comfortable within the confines of Walmart, arriving at the store clad only in their undergarments. Now, you’d think that people would think twice before wearing something like this to a store full of people, but that wasn’t the case.

Beach Day


From the visual evidence, it is safe to assume that both of them showed a complete comfort and ease with the peculiar situation.

The patrons of Walmart have gained a reputation for engaging in a variety of peculiar activities, ranging from wearing eccentric attire and consuming unconventional items to, undoubtedly, introducing some of the most extraordinary creatures to the premises.

How Quickly Did You Spot The Lemur?


And although it is completely illegal to do so, some people still bring their exotic pets and hope for the best. Just like this guy who brought a lemur on his head.

Indeed, there exist sights that instantly provoke amusement when we see them, while others are simply perplexing and seemingly unimaginable. How do people even come up with this stuff?

What Is Happening Here?


These two grandchildren and their grandfather decided to head off to Walmart, with one of the children looking like a sex doll, which couldn’t have been more disturbing.

Here we go again! Once again, an individual made the conscious choice to disregard Walmart’s regulations regarding animals and opted to bring their peculiar and unconventional pet during their shopping expedition.

​At Least She Put Him On A Leash


And this time we’re not talking about a dog or a cat, we’re literally talking about a full-grown duck on a leash! If we’re going to look at the positive side, at least they seem happy.

As evidenced by this compilation, it becomes apparent that not all strange occurrences at Walmart should be automatically deemed negative. Sure, there are some strange people out there doing strange things, but there are also some of the cutest little humans walking around the famous store.

​Little Pokemon Kid


Take a look at this adorable Pokémon character, rocking his outfit with absolute charm. It’s hard not to appreciate how cute he looks and how well he carries off his unique style at Walmart.

Announcing to the public that you have a porn addiction is neither brave nor wise, as demonstrated by this individual’s behavior. He clearly won or bought some porn gear and chose to wear it full-on at one of the most “family-friendly” stores.

​A Classic Move


Undoubtedly, everyone who witnessed the incident was utterly bewildered, and one person even seized the opportunity to grab up a photograph and share it on Reddit.

Occasionally, spending an entire afternoon shopping, particularly at a sprawling store like Walmart, can be quite exhausting. But while back in the days that would be a sign that shopping time was over and it was time to go home, this woman isn’t totally ready to call it quits yet.

​Just Taking A Small Break


Instead, she chose to perch herself on top of a heap of apples that numerous customers would eventually purchase and consume. How revolting!

If there’s any place where one might stumble upon an individual sporting chainmail out of the blue these days, it’s most likely to be Walmart. Seriously, who even thinks about just throwing their chainmail on, wearing some khakis, and walking to the grocery store like they have nothing on them?

​Just Wearing The Occasional Chainmail


Behold, ladies and gentlemen, the man of the hour! And it must be acknowledged that he is absolutely owning his bizarre attire with style and confidence.

Presenting a man who possesses unwavering determination and refuses to rely on modern dating apps or trendy methods of the younger generation. He knows precisely what he wants and is unwilling to waste any more time waiting.

​Well, That's An Interesting Way To Take Action


Instead, he just wrote a huge sign on the back of his shirt that basically told people to call him in case they were looking for a good man. We wonder if it actually worked.

Isn’t it just cool how people can innovate in the coolest ways? For instance, consider this man who likely sought a practical alternative between cycling an electric bike and pushing a cart on foot.

A Brilliant Trolley


This is his likely solution. As funny as it is, we’ve got to say that it looks kind of brilliant while also a tiny bit dangerous as well.

We cannot comprehend the reasons behind someone choosing to appear in their wedding attire at Walmart. However, perhaps they have an unconventional insight that escapes our understanding. Because clearly, it hasn’t happened once or twice, it has happened many times since the inception of Walmart.

​Another Married Couple


Based on the visual evidence provided, we can reasonably deduce that this particular couple is not, in fact, getting married there.

This image raises numerous inquiries, leaving us wondering how certain individuals reach such circumstances or situations. It’s fun, sure, but sometimes fun goes a little bit too far and it just becomes super awkward.

​There Are So Many Questions


This man’s portrayal has escalated to a level where even fellow Walmart shoppers are unsure of how to respond any longer; all they can do is accept the situation.

Although Walmart may not be our preferred choice for a wedding venue, we can acknowledge the practicality it offers in certain aspects. Especially if the couple has some sort of tie to the store. Who knows, maybe they met there, fell in love there, or even got engaged there. The Perfect Wedding Venue


Why not simply head to Walmart and have that romantic wedding right away? All we can do is extend our congratulations to the joyous couple.

It is widely recognized that there is a multitude of therapy animals, particularly dogs, available in various settings. And though Walmart doesn’t allow animals in, they do allow therapy dogs.

​The Therapy Baby Alligator


But it seems like the man felt like his “therapy baby alligator” also belonged to that category, hence this picture. He casually walked his alligator on a leash and continued with his usual shopping routine.

Indeed, if you held the belief that Transformers were invulnerable, here is evidence to the contrary. Clearly, transformers too, need some cough syrup every once in a while.

​Even A Transformer Needs Some Cough Medicine Sometimes


Finally, the man captured in the background of this image seems to be responding exactly as we would expect in most of these situations.

Once again, an unusual occurrence seamlessly intertwined with the everyday strangeness at Walmart, so much so that it goes unnoticed by practically everyone. The cashier in this picture seems to be completely calm, considering that she actually has a floating head in front of her.

​It Is As If He Is Not There


However, she isn’t merely an ordinary cashier; she’s a Walmart cashier, and thus, she has witnessed an array of peculiarities throughout her life’s journey.

This particular situation presents us with a perplexing dilemma as an overwhelming abundance of events unfolded, leaving us uncertain of where to begin. According to the newspaper headline, this woman, her son, and their dog caused an entire situation at

​So Much Happened


Walmart. In a surprising turn of events, they skillfully engaged in karate, proceeded to shed their clothing, and even allowed their dog to snatch some cornbread mix. To top all of that, the son also tried to run over an officer with a scooter.

Once again, we come across yet another instance where an individual simply couldn’t resist bringing their furry companion along for a visit to Walmart. This time though, it’s not an alligator, a lemur, or a disguised dog, it’s a freaking squirrel!

​Some Nuts For The Squirrel


And this adorable little creature appears to blend in seamlessly, perhaps eagerly anticipating the opportunity to indulge in some delicious nuts.

I suppose, considering it’s just Walmart, why should this woman go through the trouble of wearing a complete t-shirt on her shopping excursion when she can simply opt for her beloved ripped t-shirt instead?

​Why Even Wear A Whole T-Shirt?


Hopefully, though, she will pass by the clothing section and will get herself a new one because it’s time for a change, and definitely for a new t-shirt.

We’ve observed that individuals wear practically anything they desire when visiting Walmart, ranging from costumes to torn garments, and occasionally even opting for no attire at all.

​Well, That's One Way To Dress Up


After all, why not? But then there’s this guy, who just got out of his house dressed up in a dominatrix-style leather situation, and huge thigh-high stilettos. It appears that even a dominatrix must set aside some time for their Christmas shopping.

Let’s start by counting everything this man has going on in his argument in relation to guns. To start with, it’s worth mentioning that he is carrying three guns on his person, yes, you heard it correctly, three guns!

​Wait, We Didn't Get How He Feels About His Second Amendment


One gun on each hip and then one gun on the back, and then well, one gun on his shirt. Anyone entertaining the idea of messing with this individual should seriously reconsider their decision.

There is something truly disheartening about individuals who believe it is acceptable to sit on the food that someone else intends to purchase. Like this woman for example.

​Just Warming Up Some Cheese


Sure we understand that walking around Walmart can be super tiring, but for sure there was a better place to sit than in the first freezer she found with a ton of cheeses.

Well, this is certainly not an easy one to understand. Certainly, we can deduce that this deer likely found itself in an unfavorable location and time, while one individual was prepared to demonstrate their skills.

You're Not Really American Until You Wrestle A Deer On Top Of Ol' Roy Dog Food At Walmart


It seems like he choked the poor deer, which makes us wonder why on earth they didn’t just call animal control.

There are individuals out there who consistently dress to impress, regardless of their companions or their destination. This gentleman serves as a prime example of such a person.

​No Matter What, Always Look Your Best


He really went all-in with his outfit for Walmart that day, and obviously, he got noticed by almost everyone in the store. The guy seriously rocked his cherry outfit!

Sometimes, it seems that certain individuals take pleasure in putting those around them in the most uncomfortably awkward situations imaginable. Like this couple for example. This guy just had to put his hand inside his significant other’s pants with absolutely no worry or shame in this world.

Just Don't Do It


Not only is such a gesture uncomfortable, but it’s also quite unsanitary, particularly if they are about to handle a multitude of groceries.

The number of t-shirts adorned with clever and witty sayings is continuously increasing, and it seems that t-shirts representing causes we believe in can be found almost everywhere. But this guy wanted something a little bit more personalized, so he went ahead and wrote it down himself.

Don't Ever Grow Up


However, this time around, he opted for a straightforward approach, and it seems that not many people were particularly impressed by it.

Let’s evaluate this situation. It appears that someone stumbled upon a collection of zucchinis, took one in hand, and began munching on it. Mid-eat, they realized that they didn’t actually like zucchinis and therefore they proceeded to grab the other half and put it back with the batch.

​When You Realize That You Actually Don't Like Zucchini


Well, at the very least, this person knows their preferences and isn’t afraid to act upon them, right?

We must acknowledge and commend this family for their dedication to doing everything together as a unit. The family decided that that day they were going to dress up and get all painted in blue, resembling a Smurf family.

​The Blue Family


Naturally, when they arrived at Walmart, people couldn’t help but halt and inquire about the nature of their endeavor.

We can only imagine the conversation between the officer and this individual, as the situation couldn’t be more absurdly amusing. The guy is just strolling around with his “baby”, although he clearly knows that animals are not allowed at Walmart.

Excuse Me Sir, I Need To Ask You A Few Questions


Perhaps he believed that disguising the doggie would grant him passage or deceive others into letting him through. Unfortunately, though, his disguised dog just brought even more attention to them.

If this is not the most unusual sight ever, then we don’t know what is. This McDonald’s employee (although not directly related to Walmart, but located inside one) is literally smoking a cigarette while preparing fries for the customers, raising numerous questions in the process.

​In Case You Wanted Some Ash On Your Fries


What’s even more confusing about the entire situation is that no one around seems to be bothered by it, so we might be missing something here.

Opting to bring just one cat on their shoulder to Walmart wasn’t sufficient for this individual. They took it a step further and decided to double the dose by bringing along two cats instead. Exactly, she literally brought her two fur cuties for some grocery shopping, and they both look incredibly comfortable and happy with the situation.

​Two Cats For The Win


Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of yet another ordinary and unpredictable day at Walmart, folks.

Take a glance at this gentleman, effortlessly relaxing and confidently donning his exceptionally unique outfit at Walmart. He is clearly not ashamed at all for wearing a bra, so props to him, but there’s more.

You Missed A Few Buttons, Sir


He appears to take pride in his choice, evident from his decision to unbutton his shirt, proudly showcasing the remarkable bra he is wearing, ensuring that no one would miss it.

In the realm of amusing incidents, there are those that elicit laughter, and then there are actions that are simply outright disrespectful. This person’s behavior serves as a prime example of the latter. They didn’t just eat a few grapes and disappeared or something.

​Why On Earth Would Someone Do That?


To our utter dismay, this individual not only ate an entire meal of fried chicken, but also proceeded to leave the remnants on a shelf, leaving the task of cleaning up after them to someone else. It’s undeniably unpleasant and inconsiderate behavior.

It is so fascinating that this pair really dressed up as if they were about to head out to the Oregon Trail. Once more, these individuals were casually wandering around Walmart dressed in Lewis and Clark outfits, leaving both the surrounding people and ourselves utterly bewildered.

​Lewis And Clark Are In The House


In the photo, they appear to engage in a heated discussion, seemingly centered around the crescent rolls they managed to grab.

She Couldn’t Afford the Entire Pants?

We live in a very diverse world where people have diverse interests. What’s attractive to me may not be the same as what is attractive to others. With that said, what the heck was this woman thinking? Clearly, she felt that wearing a pair of pants which expose part of her backside in an extremely unusual way would be attractive.

Image Source: demilked

Something tells me that there are many, many others who would beg to differ. Maybe, if she saves up enough money, she’ll be able to afford a complete pair of pants this time next year.

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