One of the most popular auto body styles today are hatchbacks. Available in inexpensive, economy cars as well as high-end hot hatches or SUVs, the hatchback has proven practicality and usability in any form. However, not that long ago, cars with rear opening hatches were a novelty on the American roads. In a land of formal sedans, wagons and pickup trucks, opening the fifth door was considered an anomaly.
And then the ‘70s arrived and suddenly, everybody offered a hatchback, even the traditional domestic manufacturers. Today, many hatchbacks have made history by convincing the market that having big glass rear hatch is a practical yet attractive solution. So, here is a list of the 20 most influential hatchbacks ever produced. You may be surprised to find out just how long they’ve been around.

30. Citroen CV11 Traction Avant Commerciale
The first proper hatchback ever produced was the Citroen CV11 Commerciale or delivery version of the Traction Avant. Back in 1934, this was an advanced car for its day. First, the Traction Avant had an unusual front-wheel drive; hence, the name.

Second, Citroen, a French company, used unibody construction at a time when all cars had a heavy, ladder type chassis. And third, it had an independent suspension on both axles. The hatchback version proved practical, although not all that popular with drivers.