Quiz: How Well Do You Know Classic NASCAR Racing?
NASCAR is famous all over the world. For years, the race series has provided thrills for car fans globally. Ask most anyone, and they can tell you what their favorite NASCAR driver or vehicle is. So, how good are your NASCAR smarts? Take this quiz to find out.
1. What does NASCAR stand for?

2. In what year did NASCAR start?

3. Who was the person behind the NASCAR championships?

4. Which outlaw group were the first NASCAR drivers?

5. What was the surface they held the NASCAR on in the beginning?

6. Who was the first NASCAR champion in the stock class?

7. When did the first Daytona 500 race take place?

8. Beside the USA, where else did they hold the NASCAR races?

9. What was the first foreign brand to enter a NASCAR race?

10, What was the first foreign brand to win a NASCAR race?
11. What was the first proper NASCAR track?
12. Who was the first African-American to win a NASCAR race?

13. Red Byron, the first NASCAR champion, was behind the wheel of what car?

14. What luxury Chrysler model had a lot of success on the NASCAR tracks?

15. Although the Petty family was closely related to Plymouth, what car did Lee Petty drive to win the 1959 Daytona 500?

16. What is the specific track format for the NASCAR championship?

17. What is a superspeedway?

18. On NASCAR ovals tracks, in which direction do the racers drive?

19. What was the name of Chrysler's potent V8 that made its debut in 1964?

20. What model did Plymouth specifically design for NASCAR?

21. Who was Smokey Yunick?

22. Who was Junior Johnson?

23. What car company did Richard Petty briefly drive for in the late 1960s?

24. What is the model Dodge specifically designed for NASCAR?

25. What engine did Ford exclusively design for the NASCAR races?

26. Who was the first female NASCAR driver?

27. In what year did the Talladega Speedway open its doors?

28. In 1972, NASCAR lowered engine displacement from 429 cubic inches to what number?

29. What was the first major movie to feature a NASCAR-themed storyline?

30. When was the first full televised coverage of the Daytona 500 races?

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Classic NASCAR Racing?
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